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Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Link para consultar las "WH" questions.


lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

"The Influence of Social Networks as a means of communication and interaction in today's world"


Nowadays the theme of "Social Networking" has become a global boom, which is the main sources of communication between different continents worldwide, serving the bridge between business, news, problems in different areas, among other highlights. "What is a Social Network? "" Why should we provide for our benefit? "," What impact does bring its use? ", These are many of the questions we ask when we think of cyber networks so powerful.

Many of the reasons why it is important to study this issue simply are given the numerous applications that can be attributed to these large networks, which are given from the simple act of sharing information about the culture of our countries to a friend far, as well as seeking employment, the economic communication between large companies recognized until the exchange of news that impact worldwide.

However, it is noteworthy to mention that these media are an open and permanent construction involving sets identified in the same needs and problems and that are organized to leverage their resources.

There are thousands of reasons why the use of these social networks allows us to save time, money and even provide a fun time when we want a relaxing time. This essay will explore a number of issues of great importance in terms of social media today, these are:

· What are Social Networks?"

· The most widely used social networks on the Internet.

· Using Social Networks in the classrooms.

· Using these networks at work.

· Advantages and disadvantages in their use.

Assay Development.

Social Networks are these magnificent structures composed of groups of people, which are connected by one or more types of relationships such as friendship, kinship, common interests and shared knowledge. Social networking is a way to interact dynamically with a person or a group of friends, is an open system for all public and all ages. According to information read, the first social networks came into use around 2001, 2002 and by 2003 become popular with the emergence of Friendstern, Tribe and MySpace.

The social networking sites have gained a very important nowadays, first by the big business they represent, and secondly because through them there are also encounters between people, everything starts with the desire to find someone with same concerns and share their thoughts and needs. The shape of a social network helps determine the usefulness of the network for its members. Smaller networks and more stringent, may be less useful to its members that the networks with a large number of connections (youtube, facebook, twitter, etc). Many of these networks have a considerable number of users who benefit from them, so it is important to note which are the most widely used social networks on the Internet, these are:

* Youtube
* Facebook
* MySpace
* Twitter
* Linkedin
* Tagged

YouTube, the most powerful social network that exists, and says it is powerful for surely their servers requiring high quality to provide this service. Great figures like U.S. President Obama have used the service to promote their services to obtain a high success rate.

Facebook, which is growing at a much faster rate, remains the undisputed leader, distance from other platforms. The launch of Facebook Live, Facebook and Places sets the trend towards concentration of users.

Twitter is a social network, which in just a few years went from being an invisible service to be used almost everywhere else. Twitter is a service that allows you to express in just 140 words your current status, perhaps this is what has most useful to their users, the ability to instantly see what others are doing.

MySpace, which until mid-2008 was number one, try and stop loss renewal visits. Twitter users increases worldwide, accumulating the highest number of followers in the Asia Pacific, with nearly 25 million users and a growth of 243% over last year, ahead of the 24 million visitors from North America The 22 million in Europe, and Latin America 15 million.

The use of these important social networks are not only for economic purposes, friendship among others, but is also used for educational purposes, which may facilitate communication between schools of education to maintain a virtual connection between students and teacher ,The use of social networks in the classroom is a work in progress, as students look for new ways to learn and obtain information for the development of their academic activities, blogger and Facebook have an important role in this sector communications education, more comfortable giving them the tools for communication. Also companies today have implemented these tools to facilitate the search for qualified personnel to fill big jobs, these networks facilitate the search for a good job allowing her profile shape in all the capacities, skills and experience that has to applying for a job at any company that uses these methods, an example of them would be the social network LinkedIn, a business-oriented web site, launched in May 2003 (comparable to a service network), mainly for professional network .), which has more than 80 million registered users and more than 200 countries which use it.

There are so many wonders of these global networks that their view upside is increasingly noticeable for users who use them, but the aftermath resulting in the use of these networks is important to mention: What advantages and disadvantages presented in terms of how we use it? Some social networks like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, are used by millions of people around the world. What is the purpose? Well, meet people from other parts of the world, promoting bands, getting to know, among many more.

Some advantages are:

1. You can meet people and reconnect with those who had years without seeing.

2. It allows you to organize events, and even send invitations without even stand up from his chair.

3. Even gives you the opportunity to be informed about events and current events, both social and academic.

4. The ease of having digital albums, in the case of MySpace and Facebook.

5. You have the option to block unwanted users.

And, some disadvantages are:

1. Gives freedom to unwanted people who become aware of your every move.

2. Your uploaded images can be used for any purpose.

3. Your life is no longer private.

4. You get to spend much time watching what happens there in your real life.


Today we live in a world of social networks and these were set up to help. The goal is to not only bring people together but to provide a social life. This tool allows you to connect with people very easily. An example are the comments from profile where it is known that the user is contacting one way or another see the message, which could be secured with a message by phone or via email. The service is not only limited to messages, but offers a variety of innovative tools to be more in touch with that person on the other side of the screen.

These new technologies also provide applications that create, in the use of school learning, a new model of materials for the teaching process. Social networks can serve as a classroom after classroom, a virtual space where students, the professor and his colleagues are in constant contact with no space or time limits.

Also communication between different companies through these networks represent the cornerstone for the development of trade and industry, allowing lead to jobs, seek better opinions based on professional experts to link companies in projects contributing to the development of same and give the opportunity to connect users with the same skills and knowledge.

It should therefore be an obligation of the user or corporate groups to maintain these networks as attached to reality and not make malicious use of these services. Of course, these services, everyone is exposed but the user can decide to whom and to show through the privacy options offered by these services. It remains to note that this is not the only way in which it can be misused and that more resources with which they may misuse and its use is already regulated.